Stick Runner Game  :  Reflex and Agility Challenge

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Embark on a heart-racing journey with Stick Runner, an exhilarating game meticulously crafted to push your reflexes and agility to their limits. Set against a backdrop of treacherous landscapes, this adrenaline-fueled adventure challenges players to navigate a myriad of obstacles with precision and skill.

Armed with intuitive controls, you must guide your character through a gauntlet of challenges, utilizing touch buttons or the space key to leap over looming hurdles. Conversely, master the art of swift evasion by executing timely slides under formidable barriers, activated effortlessly with the down arrow. Each obstacle presents a unique challenge, demanding split-second decisions and impeccable timing to ensure your character's safety.

The game's relentless pace and ever-changing obstacles culminate in a riveting gameplay experience, offering players an adrenaline-pumping ride from start to finish. As you navigate through increasingly complex terrains, the allure of achieving the highest scores becomes irresistible, driving you to hone your skills and conquer the coveted leaderboard. With its dynamic challenges and high-octane action, Stick Runner promises an exhilarating adventure for players seeking a test of skill, reflexes, and endurance.

Supported Platforms

PC , H5 (When opening a horizontal screen game on your phone, please first open the current page under the horizontal screen before entering the game.)


Jump over hurdles using the touch buttons or the space key to keep your character safe, or swiftly slide under barriers by pressing the down arrow.